Holla everyone! Whassup? Sorry for not writing regularly again cause my life is pretty much in the same sequence everyday.
Wake up-School-Homework-Play-Sleep
I absolutely can't help complaining how much homework the teacher are giving us these days! ARRRGGHHHHHHH! Especially Mr.MM's works and of course, MR AW'S!
But i guess we all have to cope with it right? Complaining around won't help with anything. The only thing interesting is i get to read something fluff this weekend. Lightening and saddening! geeezz! i still have that insufferable git in my head! shoooo! *holds on secretly*
But, i have to post Tom Felton's ( YOU KNOOOW THE SEXY BRITISH ONE :P ) interview
I absolutely can't help but posting the gifs! I NEARLY JIZZ WHEN I HEARD :
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